It was "lights, camera, action!" when television host John Catucci and the film crew from Lone Eagle Entertainment Ltd. were on site at Neighbour's to film an episode of "You Gotta Eat Here!"

The filming was a huge success - no kitchen nightmares or disasters, no screaming Chefs, no staff screw ups, everything went perfect - just like a regular day, serving our regular customers.

We all had such a great time and are looking forward to the upcoming airing of the show.

Family and crew at Neighbour's would like to thank everyone that came out to support us and want you to know the show will be aired in January 2012.

We'll give you the specific date and time as soon as we know it so you can watch your favourite Neighbour's server, manager and Chef in action on national television - and maybe even see yourself!

Don't worry, we won't let stardom go to our head. Our heart will always be with you and the neighbourhood.